Sunday, April 21, 2013

To let my soul dance.

A boy's dream of flying with a jetpack.

To sing, run, hug my children, and be held by my love.

Oranges, sunsets, sunny days, and feet in a cold creek.

How does one know if there is more than one can see?

2 Chronicles 34
Seek the Lord, forgiveness.

I wonder what Paul's father and mother thought about their son who seeked to kill Christians. Were their prayers answered when Jesus entered his life and heart.

The more days and years I live the more valuable are those that are old.

With fascination I study the body, marveling in what God created.

With awe I shoot pictures, capturing the beauty God surrounds me with.

With eager delight I live life with my children, discovering and laughing throughout the days.

With a humble heart I seek God, as He responds with grace.

Understanding someone's personality helps to free them from your way and lets them be the way God made them.

I see now how debating can become noncompassionate. Debating without love. Why must you win. God wants us to help others be the winners.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Go beyond equality and choose to be a servant.
I was made for another world.
Made to RUN
The secret is to not do everything and yet do everything very well.
This is why I don't have a blog. I don't have time to post anything that I am thinking. BECAUSE I am doing!!!