Monday, November 17, 2014

Mothering with Two Hearts

This is the day in history that you said goodbye. Twenty-six years ago you walked into heaven.
I don't remember your voice or your touch, but I do remember your gentleness, patience, and love.  It is the tragic story that changed my life forever.  I wonder what it would have been like to grow up with a mother. You are irreplaceable. You have always been missed.  I weep when my daughter asks me if you took me to dance class, knowing that you didn't have a chance.  As I sit next to my children, I have fear that my life will end as soon as yours.  I take advantage of the precious moments with my children because I know you didn't get them with me.   So as time has gone by and the motherless little girl has grown up to be a mother herself, one can see how this story goes on.  For this little girl has become a mother with such deep love and devotion.  A mother mothering with two hearts.  Looking to the one you looked to also, Jesus. Seeking him for love, patience, and gentleness. 
The best day will have the moment I hug you again in heaven.