Thursday, March 2, 2017

Introducing Posts of Mothering/Homemaking ART

As I go about my work in the day I spot beauty. As this is my avenue to share, I thought it fitting to pass along the beauty around me.  They are everyday sights which bring me happiness.

Today's was spotted in my daughter's room.  She must have been creating this tree this morning as I found it this afternoon as I passed by her door.

Create well beyond the years of a child: look for shapes in the clouds, pictures in your hot cocoa mug, and play with your food!

Friday, July 15, 2016

The ups and downs of the days hold me tight. Lord, let me hold onto you tighter. 

Saturday, July 2, 2016

Ungranted Wishes Turn to Playful Days

I often feel guilty over all that my children don't get to experience, as in trips to Europe, sailing camp, and Florida spring breaks. 
However, today I had a moment when I was reminded of the value in the simple life. My creative, inspiring children treasure the fun of playing in a lake, roasting smores, and riding their bikes. 
I am giving them an incredibly playful childhood. Many of my ungranted wishes for them can be experienced as an adult, but these precious days as a playful child will be counted gone way too soon. 


Monday, April 11, 2016


A balanced life is a God Centered life.

When you focus on God every thing else is put into a perspective that lines up the most important aspects of life as your first priorities. 

Simply look to God in everything you do. 

Monday, March 14, 2016

A Day's Mission

To live with humility with peace and hope above all circumstances. 

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Your Bucket

"Fill up your bucket and pour it out."
Work hard and love

Friday, January 15, 2016

Friday, December 25, 2015

Can it get any better?
Love is incredibly powerful! 

Sunday, November 29, 2015

Sunday, October 4, 2015

Stop beating yourself up

Let grace pour over you, either as a steady drip or rushing flood.

Monday, August 31, 2015


Simply being

Can you simply be?
Can you hear the sounds around you?
Can you see the unexpected?

Can being be enough and all?

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

When I lay my head down to sleep

Trusting that God will provide me enough time, patience, ability, and energy for the next day.

Sunday, August 16, 2015

Sunday, July 19, 2015

More than Understanding

The DEEP CHASM between sympathy and emphathy 

My Dreams

I have an order to my life.  This shall happen, then this.  I have been told to decide my dreams and make them happen.  The huge flaw in that advice is that I can't control others or even my own body.

I wanted a second child.  I did everything I was told that would give me another child.  I took all the common and uncommon advice: take tests, stop trying, go to the doctor... No baby.  They saw my first born and asked where is the second.  I lost my composure and avoided.  I had decided my dreams and couldn't make them happen.

I wanted to be successful and others to know it.  As a first born of a first born of a first born, I work hard until I achieve.  I plan and cover all my bases, not leaving anything undone. Perfection is my only option.  Within 13 years of competitive running, I have strived to perfect my body and mind. Read all the books, done every workout, ate the right foods, envisioned all my races, I had come to accomplish.  However I never was good enough for my dreams.  I could never win the top prize.  My highest is second place.  I am always number two.  I had decided my dreams and can't make them happen.

"So scale down the dreams, you made them too high," You say.  Fine. Then all I want is to enjoy life fully and be able to participate in the world that surrounds me. That dream has crushed me over and over: injuries put me on my back, money flies away leaving me worried, or rejection from those around me burns my heart. I still can't make a dream come true.

Since I obviously don't have control over what surrounds me or even my own body, I go on to understand that I will have to focus on my reaction to life.  Can I make lemonade when given a lemon?  Can I smile in the face of fear? Can I be satisfied with what is in my hand?

Life is not about making dreams come true.  It is about accepting the journey that God has so carefully designed for me. The journey is still one of delights and wins.  Embracing the circumstances and seeing either how I can grow from the experience or how I can help others grow.

It is not about what I am wanting life to give me but what I can give life.  I can love no matter what.  In every circumstance, tragedy or delight, I can choose to care deeply: pouring out acceptance, grace, understanding, and wisdom. It is not my dreams that I can impact but other's hearts through love.

This marks 17 years since they handed me my high school diploma and said go make your dreams come true. I wish they would have charged me with the challenge to go love others.


The stirring within me swells and then breaks as a crashing wave.


"Everyone who falls on that stone will be broken to pieces, but he on whom it falls will be crushed." Luke 20:18

I shall fall and be broken into pieces, put back together anew by Jesus. 

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Monday, July 6, 2015

Where to put the spotlight

Value attributes, not accomplishments 
Praise qualities, not awards
Encourage who they are, not their success

A Rich Worker

I don't work for money, I work for smiles. 

Smiles don't burn in fires.
Smiles don't disappear in the stock market.
Smiles don't rust.

Each one I receive gets tucked in my pocket, captured by my camera, or shared right back. 

I am truly rich. 

Thursday, July 2, 2015

A day without disappointment

When you wake, choose the task that is most important for you to complete that day. Do that task at your first opportunity.  Afterwards the success will either spur you on to complete other tasks or will be your win of the day! 

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Sunday, June 14, 2015


Who/what do you worship? Where is your allegiance?

What is chasing you?

When we stop, everything we have been avoiding catches up with us.

1000 weekends in childhood

Childhood is going to disappear like cookies out of a cookie jar!

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Sunday, May 10, 2015

My prayer

God, can I beg enough for you to have mercy on me?

Grace for Mothers

When I first read this poem, I didn't look past the window. I had happened upon it and had my editing eyes on.  I didn't see the great meaning. Thankfully the situation didn't allow me to point out errors and the paper was whisked away. Later I was told is caused tears to roll down mother's faces. My anxious son presented it to me as a Mother's Day gift. Because of my first view of the poem, I understood it much more deeply.
Now I find every part of it beautiful. The misspellings, handwriting, cut of paper, every detail illustrates the deep meaning of the poem, grace. Instead of thinking that he is writing of my grace, I see how he has grace for me. 

Wednesday, May 6, 2015


Don't automatically do what others are doing around you: question and be purposeful!

Sunday, May 3, 2015


Will I allow myself to be me?

Appointed Time

During trials where patience is needed but not known, it feels like a tornado, earthquake, and ice storm taking turns beating you up.  The loneliness and unknown rock your faith. However the deepness of your faith holds you tight as a sturdy rope holds a boat to the dock during a volient thunderstorm.

When the appointed time comes, when the process of events happen, when the clouds and rain and lightening pass by, the boat is still attached to the dock, the sun comes out, the water filling the boat evaporates. But during that storm, during that trial there was no end to be seen, no possibilities.

I may pray with all my heart and soul and I may have the faith to move mountains but sometimes I must just wait for the appointed time for God to do his will.

In their hearts humans plan their course, but the Lord establishes their steps. (Proverbs 16:9 NIV)

Saturday, April 25, 2015

Fix my problems, God

Sometimes I find myself reading the bible like a fortune cookie. Making reading the bible about me, not about learning about God. 

Friday, April 24, 2015

What happens when you take a picture!

Click I love you
Click I think you are special 
Click I want to share you
Click I want to remember you
Each time I face my camera towards you
Each time I click the button
Each time I prepare the picture of you
Each time I share it with others

It is all because of how much I value you. You are worth my time, attention, and care.

I love to celebrate you by capturing you on film!

Thursday, April 23, 2015


I don't have an answer. 

There you go. I said it. I am exposed. I don't know everything and I can't figure everything out. I don't have a decision. 

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Raising Sons

How do I raise my sons to be as great as their father?

Tuesday, April 14, 2015


I need to forgive:
Those that lied about me
Those that betrayed me
Those that didn't meet my expectations
Those that didn't reward me equally 
Those that used me
Those that forgot me
Those that judged me

If I forgave all those people then I would walk with a smile, listen with a heart, help with genuineness, pray without ceasing, and sleep very soundly.

The only person in my way of forgiveness is ME. It takes no one else but me. I have to let go of the wounds and let them heal.

The first step I will take to forgive will be to not remind myself of the battles.

I don't have to hold onto the pain. I can let go.

Sunday, April 12, 2015


You gave me ANOTHER day. God, you keep waking me each morning and welcoming me to another new day! 

Saturday, April 11, 2015

Because of Nancy

I became a runner because a friend asked me to participate on a track team with her.  
You influence others everyday.


Bitterness is like drinking a poison and expecting that the other person will die.


Peter learned while walking on water: Don't take your eyes off Jesus.
The Israelite men thought as they saw the Red Sea split, ladies first.
They really had to trust God.

Though we don't walk on water or the bottom of a sea with walls of water surrounding us, we still face circumstances that require us to TRUST God.  Using every ounce we can muster, we trust. We trust that God is in control, knows what is best, will relieve our pain, and give us peace.

Little Girl

I just want her to stay 6 forever. Her face is so small and innocent. Her cheeks are puffy and hair golden. Life is simple. While eating her lunch, she doesn't sit and contemplate, she stares and watches, nothing heavy weighs on her shoulders. She has no concerns. Her walk is light and her smile is quick to shine.