Friday, November 21, 2014

Mistakes while Mothering

Every mom makes mistakes
I will open up my secret box that holds my secret mom mistakes. Don't judge me. I need mistakes to learn. 

I didn't eat enough vegetables while I was pregnant.
I left the side of the crib down and Sam fell head first to the floor.
I forgot my infant son in a vehicle when I went into the store. (Thankfully only 3 mins.)
I locked my children and keys in a van. (Thanks East Moline Police for breaking in and recusing my children.)
I forgot to take my 4 children to get their doctor check ups for two years.  (I swear it was only one year.)
I forgot to instruct my children to take a bath for over a week. (Only noticed because I couldn't brush their hair anymore)
I lost a library book or two...
I forgot my child's lunch that I said I would bring.
I ate the cookie that I said was gone. (Repeat offender)
I used the line, "I get two brownies because I am twice the size of you."
I used the word stupid.
I swore at my child in a fit of anger.
I laughed at my child, not with.
I yelled at my A student for 1 bad test grade.
I forgot about the first baseball practice of the season. 
I tried to make up for my guilt by buying gifts for my children.

I know there will be many many many more mistakes as I care for my children. I accept that I don't know how to mother and I am selfish person. The important part is that I am learning from my mistakes and am not going to repeat them. My children have heard a lot of "I am sorry. Please forgive me."

Thanks for not judging me.

Apart of the "Me Too" Club

P.S. It will be interesting to hear if my children will remember these mistakes when they are parents.


Perfectionists are lonely people, what they really need is your love and acceptance.

Monday, November 17, 2014

Mothering with Two Hearts

This is the day in history that you said goodbye. Twenty-six years ago you walked into heaven.
I don't remember your voice or your touch, but I do remember your gentleness, patience, and love.  It is the tragic story that changed my life forever.  I wonder what it would have been like to grow up with a mother. You are irreplaceable. You have always been missed.  I weep when my daughter asks me if you took me to dance class, knowing that you didn't have a chance.  As I sit next to my children, I have fear that my life will end as soon as yours.  I take advantage of the precious moments with my children because I know you didn't get them with me.   So as time has gone by and the motherless little girl has grown up to be a mother herself, one can see how this story goes on.  For this little girl has become a mother with such deep love and devotion.  A mother mothering with two hearts.  Looking to the one you looked to also, Jesus. Seeking him for love, patience, and gentleness. 
The best day will have the moment I hug you again in heaven.