Friday, August 1, 2014

Thoughts after reading the book The Will of God as a Way of Life, How to Make Every Decision with Peace and Confidence by Jerry Sittser

"The bible says so little about God's will for tomorrow and so much about what we should do to fulfill his will today."

"We keep hoping that light will shine to illumine the entire journey ahead so that we will know about the future, and thus be spared the difficulty of having to trust God. Ironically, we want to know so much about the future that we won't even have to trust God anymore."

"Success can make us complacent and proud; failure can inspire us to work harder to accomplish our goals."

"The way our past decisions shape our present circumstances resembles a game of chess." Each move is final and each move from the players changes the options.

"Making the most of time" in the biblical sence means fulfilling the moments not squeezing accomplishments into minutes.

"Chronos has to do with clocks, calendars, schedules, agendas, and pressure... Kairos, by contrast, has to do with important events, the signifcance of daily experience, and the wonder of the present moment... We exist in chronos; we long for kairos. Chronos requires speed so life is not wasted; kairos requires patience so that life can be enjoyed. Chronos drives us forward to get things done; kairos allows us to relish the opportunity to do them. We perform in chronos, but we truly live in kairos."

"My addiction to activity."

"Their life is their art." About the Amish

"Suffering makes us humble and hopeful, teaches us obedience, leads to discipline, and brings repentance."